So yesterday I decided to take the A2B on the same route that I take my regular bike on for excercise a couple mornings per week. From Belle Isle I headed east on the Venetian, south on West Avenue, west over the McArthur Causeway, north to the Venetian Causeway and east back to Belle Isle.
This is about an 8 mile route which I can complete in about 30-40 minutes of hard pedaling on my regular bike. There are a couple of long and steep bridges to pedal up and of course it's always windy over the water.
I was interested to see how long it would take me if I used the motor full-throttle AND pedaled the whole way. I also wanted to see if I actually got any excercise doing it. What I found was that, despite it being very windy yesterday, I FLEW the 8 miles in just about 20 minutes. And, because I was able to keep a steady speed - even going up those steep bridges - I was able to keep pedaling steadily the entire route.
I got a great leg and butt workout and covered the distance in about half the time - and it was super windy. Also, it was a lot more interesting going 20+ miles per hour, especially up those hills. It's a real trip watching other bikers' expression as I fly by them effortlessly. It also made me realize that commuting to downtown Miami from the Beach is possible on an electric bike in a sweatless 10 minutes! And despite this ride at the beginning of the day, I had ample battery power left when I got home last night.
I can't wait to have some more longer distance rides to put the battery power and my endurance to the test.
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